Last time when I wrote about barre chord I told you the basics about them. Now I’ll be more specific about them. As you know barre chords are movable chords and they are easy to play because you don't need to change your finger position for every chord, just move your hand right or left. As you already know there are two basic type of barre chords A shape and F shape. They are the major chords. But what about minors and 7th chords? In this article I’ll tell you about them.
In a F shape chord, it's really easy if you want play minor in F shape chord, just pull up a finger which holds the third string on the fret next to barre finger (look at the picture below) If you want F7 or any other 7 in F shape lift the finger which holds 4th string. If you want F shape barre chord 7th minor lift all other fingers besides barre finger and the finger that holds the fifth string.
Now the A shape chords- if you need to play minor, place your fingers like A with only regular A chord minor next to barre finger (look the picture below). If you play A chord in barre, place you barre finger outside of the frets. Then it is basically regular A only difference is you can change to another A shape barre chord quickly without changing your finger position. 7th and the minor 7th is also like regular A chords next to barre finger.
If you don't quite understand this text look at the pictures below- they should help you. And if you want more lessons about guitar playing in general or some specific part of it, visit the guitar playing lesson sites in the right column of my blog and check this blog often. I will enter more lessons and interesting stuff soon. See you then and good practice.