February 26, 2010

Barre chords.

Hello again. At my previous post i promised you to tell about barre chords. So here they are:
Barre chords are a type of guitar chords, where one or more fingers are used to press down
multiple strings across the guitar fingerboard. Name of those chords comes from a French word barre, witch in English is bar. Bar, because the first finger shape is like bar over the entire fret.Barre chords’ primary purpose is to shift any of the open string chords an arbitrary number of half steps up the neck of the guitar; similar to the use of a capo.
Basically the barre chords are divided into two types: E shape and A shape. The name comes from the name of the open chords. E shape because besides your first finger, all the other fingers are shape like an open E, and the same thing for A shape barre chords. To change chord just move up or down on the fretboard like you do on power chord.

February 17, 2010


Sorry guys for such a long break between my posts, but I was very busy with recording my new solo album. Next week I'm planning to post a lesson about barre chords here. And also, if you want more lessons about guitar playing techniques, check out the list on the right side of the posts, there are some really good guitar playing lessons.

February 4, 2010

Really cool stuff- sounds from super Mario video game

Hello all of you. Today I’ll show you really cool and easy stuff to play on your guitar.
If you remember a very popular video game in erstwhile called "Super Mario" then you
remember the sound effect when Mario inserts the key into the lock. I’ll show you how do play it on guitar, it's really easy to play, even for a total beginner. All you need do to is press lower and upper E note on your guitar in 3rd fret. You can do it either with one finger like you do in barre chords or by using your 1st and 4th finger. If your finger is in position then pull lower and upper E string at the same time and slide your hand to the 12th fret.
Very easy, isn't it.