June 8, 2010

Campfire songs part 1

It's nice hot summer out there, and people move around a lot. What would be nicer than to sit around
the fire or somewhere on the beach and play guitar. Therefore I am adding some great campfire
songs to my blog so you can go outside and play. I decided to write the series
about good campfire songs, and this is the first part of it. I will add Lynyrd
skynyrd "Sweet home Alabama" tabs and notes.
Here they are:

Check back soon for more songs. And don't forget to practice.

June 1, 2010

Sorry for the long pause.

Sorry for the long pause in my post. Hot weather and some gigs take big part of my time. I apologise to all readers for making you wait. I promise more tips and lessons very soon, so check back soon and keep yourself up to date on the world of guitar.
See you soon. For more lessons check the list on right-side column, next to the blog posts